The ABCs of Changing Behavior
When your child's behavior becomes out of control and unwanted, you can take steps to bring back the tranquility that your family needs. Getting rid of triggers and understanding why your child continues to act this way are essential in eliminating unwanted behavior.
Environment matters!Lighting, noise, temperature, toys, as well as furniture placement and routines can affect behavior in all of us, especially our children. Reducing triggers that may cause unwanted behavior can be done by taking a look around your home and your life and figuring out ways to support the behavior you want to see.
Routines and Chores help!
Providing your children with a general routine is helpful because they know what is expected of them. Routines help make children accountable as well since they become responsible for getting their 'job' done (in a timely manner). Making sure your children have chores that they can do helps show them they matter in your family. Chores make them feel competent and needed (we all like to feel this way!).
Before you tackle behavior head-on,
there are some things to try...
Figuring out what triggers your child's behavior can give you greater control of what is going to happen. Sometimes, the way we talk to our children and what we say to them makes such a big difference. Making available the right toys, and not too many or too few, can also help children regulate their behavior. Ensure they understand what you are asking and praise them often!!